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We R Food Safety! names VP of Food Safety & Quality Operations

February 6, 2020

We R Food Safety! has announced the addition of Richard T. Atkinson to the team as Vice President of Food Safety & Quality Operations.

“While growing up Rich’s father owned and operated a small locker plant in Nebraska, where Rich learned firsthand the challenges that face the food industry,” said Drew Lorenz, founder and president of the company.

Atkinson brings 29 years of USDA regulatory experience including oversight of HACCP implementation, Food Safety Auditing, adherence to SSOP & GMPs, labeling regulations, and assuring the humane handling of livestock to the team. His assignments while with USDA include FSIS Office of Public Health and Science, Office of Field Operations, Office of Investigation, Enforcement and Audit, etc.

“His depth of regulatory knowledge is unmatched in the industry!” Lorenz says.

Atkinson has co-authored peer reviewed scientific articles, and has been published by the scientific journal, Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, regarding a salmonella foodborne illness investigation. As a Marine Corps Veteran, he is active in the veteran community.

Atkinson lives in Johnstown, Colorado with his wife, Susan, and is a member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. While Commander for the local VFW Post Rich was awarded the prestigious designation of All-American Commander for his work within the VFW organization and direct veteran services.

For more information visit www.werfoodsafety.com.