Ireland Publishes 2016-2018 Food Safety Strategy
The Food Safety Authority Ireland (FSAI) has published its strategy, "Safe and Trustworthy Food for Everyone", that will cover initiatives from 2016 through 2018. The strategy is said to set out the agency’s core vision of “safe and trustworthy food for everyone”, while carrying out FSAI’s mission of “protecting consumers by leading a collaborative food safety community to continuously raise food standards and create a culture of excellence.”
The agency’s goals--meant to raise standards for both domestic and export markets--will be met through regulation changes and collaboration with various organizations. As one of the first single food safety authorities established in the world, the new strategic approach will also reinforce the FSAI’s national and international reputation for excellence by continuing to review the regulatory landscape; industry innovations; advances in technology; new and emerging risks; and globalization and lengthening of the food supply chain.
FSAI’s strategy consists of these five strategic goals:
- Lead a regulatory culture where everyone is passionate about achieving the highest standards of food. Achieved by providing a framework for regulating food which allows for effective enforcement, whilst also ensuring a partnership approach that really engages all stakeholders. Ultimately striving for a world class official control system that delivers the best outcomes for consumers.
- Use the best scientific knowledge, evidence and expertise to underpin policy and risk analysis in respect of food safety. Strengthen and develop engagement with national, European and international food safety, integrity and nutrition experts as appropriate to deliver robust advice to underpin all FSAI decision-making. In addition, providing high quality, independent, scientific advice to government to inform and influence food policy.
- Create an environment where Ireland is a trusted and recognized leader in food safety and integrity. Set standards that are practical and recognised globally and working in partnership with consumer advocacy groups to address consumers’ needs. Build capacity and capability to allow Ireland to react and deal effectively with any national or international food incident or crisis.
- Develop the organisation with an ethos that is true to its values. Foster a culture of respect, integrity and humility, which is nondiscriminatory and supports equality. Deliver a robust system of corporate governance to ensure accountability, transparency and public value.
- Adopt a digital-first approach to maximize accessibility, efficiency and effectiveness. Enhance data collection and analysis to gain a deeper understanding of the environment in which the FSAI operates and inform decision making. Utilizing technology as a foundation for innovation.
You can see the strategy in its entirety at FSAI.ie.
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