Perry Johnson Registrars Food Safety, Inc. has announced their lineup of webinars for the month of April. With the ongoing global concern caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, timely topics such as crisis management and food safety capabilities make up a large part of the event roster. Familiar PJRFSI figures such as Senior VP of Food Safety & Supply Chain, Paul Damaren and Project Manager Brett McMillen will be joined in the coming month’s offerings by an exciting list of guest speakers, from BRCGS’s John Kukoly and GLOBALG.A.P.’s Rebecca Anderson.

Be sure to register for one of these upcoming sessions: Click Here to Register for Upcoming Webinars

Wednesday, April 8 at 2:00pm EST
“PJRFSI Capabilities & Crisis Management in Food Safety”

Join PJRFSI’s Senior Vice President of Food Safety & Supply Chain, Paul Damaren who will give a full overview of our services across our family of companies and special guests Goranka & Rajko Platisa from PCR International who will speak specifically about the COVID 19 pandemic and what that means to your business.

Thursday, April 9 at 1:00pm EST
“GMP Certification for Cannabis & Hemp: Tips, Case Studies, and Where to Start”

In this webinar participants will learn about the foundations of a Cannabis or Hemp GMP program and what is needed for documentation. In addition, these requirements will be discussed in relation to the real-world experiences of the GMP Collective as well as how this works for PJRFSI Certification. Finally, there will be a discussion on how this can be achieved remotely as well as with a virtual audit. There will be a Q&A session at the end to wrap things up.

Presented by PJRFSI’s Brett McMillen and guest speaker David Vaillencourt of GMP.

Tuesday, April 14 at 1:00pm EST
“GLOBALG.A.P. & PJRFSI, a Joint Webinar on Capabilities, COVID19 & Managing Your Risk”

Join PJRFSI’s Senior Vice President of Food Safety & Supply Chain, Paul Damaren along with Rebecca Anderson, Technical Key Account Manager & Robin Rose, Key Account Manager of GLOBALG.A.P., who will give an overview of their services and discuss the various challenges around COVID-19 from a “Scheme Owner & Certification Body” perspective. Topics will include how GLOBALG.A.P. & PJRFSI are working with United Fresh and PMA to operationalize recommendations by FDA and CDC, and provide guidance to farms, packers, and clients affected by this pandemic on how to mitigate risk.

Thursday, April 16 at 2:00pm EST
“Food Safety Leadership in Times of Crisis – A Joint PJRFSI & BRCGS Webinar”

At a time when the world is enduring crisis, every individual’s actions big or small, contribute to overcoming these new challenges. In the realm of food safety, this presents new questions about policies, procedures and creating a balance between feeding the world and protecting your own people. Join PJRFSI and BRCGS to learn new ways to practice food safety leadership in a time of crisis and how you can adjust your systems to continue to produce safe food while also protecting yourselves.

Presented by PJRFSI’s Paul Damaren & Lauren Maloney, with special guest John Kukoly of BRCGS.

Wednesday, April 22 at 2:00pm EST
“Introducing SQFI’s Social Responsibility F2SR Ethical Sourcing Standard”

Join SQFI’s Canaan Rice, Manager, Ethical Sourcing with the Safe Quality Food Institute as he discusses an overview of the standard and how it is applicable to all organizations and their supply chains. Learn about social compliance & accountability risk in today’s market, how to source responsibly across your supply chain & the 4 Key areas of ethical & social responsibility.

Tuesday, April 28 at 2:00pm EST
“Food Safety Certifications and GFSI & Leadership Commitment”

GFSI certification is a phrase thrown around a lot in the food industry, yet many people that ask for this certification do not understand what it actually means. In fact, GFSI is not a certification at all, but it is a benchmarking process for other certifications to be certified against and then companies obtain those certifications. Attend this webinar to understand more about these requirements.

Presented by Jacqueline Southee, FSSC North American Representative.

For more information, press only:
Amy Wayne
Internet Marketing Specialist
(248) 358-3388 ext. 4761

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