Lab M has introduced µPrep® Buffered Peptone Water (ISO) to fight challenges associated with the presence of Salmonella in the production of chocolate. It requires only the addition of water and no autoclaving is needed, helping to increase laboratory efficiencies. A pre-enrichment broth formulated to ISO 6579, µPREP™ BPW (ISO) is designed to help sub-lethally damaged Salmonellae recover before introducing them into a selective medium. It is free from inhibitors and is well buffered to maintain pH 7.0 for the incubation period. Each bag of µPREP™ BPW (ISO) is sufficient for the preparation of 20 liters of medium. Bags are simply connected to a reverse osmosis (RO)/deionised water supply, which is sterilized as it is pumped via a membrane filter into the bag, meaning subsequent autoclaving and cooling is not required. The medium can be prepared with minimal training and is ready to use within minutes.

Lab M | +44 (0)161 820 3833 |