Dane Bernard is currently the managing director of Bold Bear Food Safety where he offers consulting services. Prior to that, he served as the vice president of food safety and quality assurance at Keystone Foods until 2014. That role also included responsibilities over global programs on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and food safety. Before that, Dane was the vice president of food safety for the National Food Processors Association (NFPA)—formerly the National Canners Association—an organization he joined in 1973.
Dane is a registered specialist in food, dairy, and sanitation microbiology with the American Academy of Microbiology. He has also done extensive testing of food processing systems, supervised research in many areas of food safety, and has authored/co-authored many technical articles. Dane has been an instructor and lecturer on principles and applications of HACCP and has helped to formulate HACCP plans for the U.S. food industry. He’s has been invited as an expert to five International Consultations—sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization—that dealt with certain aspects of HACCP, risk analysis, and other food safety issues.
Dane received an M.Sc. in Food Microbiology from University of Maryland, College Park. Finally, Dane received the Food Safety Magazine Distinguished Service Award in 2017.
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In this episode of Food Safety Matters, we speak to Dane about:
- How he got started in the field of food microbiology so early
- His 28 years with the National Food Processors Association
- Working in the U.S. Army as a food inspector
- His thoughts on the shift from HAACP to HARPC (Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls)
- How HACCP regulations originated and evolved over the years
- The importance of soft skills and learning to work with other divisions within a single organization
- His time at Keystone Foods
- What it takes to be a good, effective manager
- The challenge of getting management to approve additional resources for food safety
- Why he hasn't totally and officially retired yet
- Where he thinks the food safety needs to focus in the near future
We also speak with Hilary Thesmar (Food Marketing Institute) and Marianne Gravely (U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service) and about:
- The processes that retailers use to minimize cross-contamination and keep consumers safe from allergens
- The importance of accurate labeling and making sure that every food product only contains ingredients listed on the label
- Food allergen labels and what is not required for meat and poultry products regulated by FSIS
- The complexities of allergen labeling for ingredients within a supply chain
- Allergen labels that are—and are not—required for some food products
- Messaging efforts that FMI and FSIS have in place for their respective audiences
About Hilary Thesmar
In her role as the chief food and product safety officer and senior vice president of food safety programs for the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), Dr. Thesmar provides leadership for all safety programs for FMI’s retail and wholesale members and provides support for members on food safety training programs, FSMA training, recall plans and management, crisis management, research, and overall safety and sanitation programs. Dr. Thesmar has a Ph.D. in food technology from Clemson University, an M.Sc. in human nutrition from Winthrop University, a B.Sc. in food science from Clemson, and she is a Registered Dietitian. She has over a decade of experience in scientific and regulatory affairs with food trade associations.
About Marianne Gravely
Marianne joined the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Meat and Poultry Hotline staff in 1988. As the senior technical information specialist, she provides consumers with safe food handling guidance daily through phone, live chat, and email inquiries and is one of the persons behind the USDA virtual representative “Ask Karen” answering food safety questions. She also researches and writes materials for the Food Safety Inspection Service website, and handles media inquiries. Marianne has a Bachelor of Science degree in home economics with an emphasis on foods and nutrition from Hood College in Frederick, MD. She received her M.Sc. in human nutrition and foods from Virginia Tech.
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