According to a new study conducted by the Brown School at Washington University (St. Louis, MO), notifying the proper government authorities of suspected food poisoning could improve not only the reporting of such illnesses, but thoroughness of the follow up investigation as well.
The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) and the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) have teamed up to develop clearer messaging aimed at helping consumers better understand food expiration dates, thus reducing food waste.
The third party supplier at the helm of the massive recall--Deutsch Kase Haus of Middlebury, IN--is no stranger to Listeria contamination. In the fall of 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reportedly conducted environmental testing in which three out of 25 swabs tested positive for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes.
On Thursday, a Sanderson Farms Inc. shareholder proposal to stop the use of medically important antibiotics for animal growth and disease prevention did not pass with enough votes.
The proposed Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) will introduce modern food safety requirements for businesses that either import food, or prepare food to be exported or sold across provinces.
A letter sent to Aspen Hills from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) blames the company for not doing enough to prevent the spread of Listeria monocytogenes in their processing facility.