A series of new audits claim that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is not using its relatively recently expanded authority to conduct more food safety inspections, which in turn affects how food recalls are announced to the public.
Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Office of Communications released a rundown of the agency’s 2017 accomplishments as identified by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue.
Last week, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) released data from a jointly produced report revealing that cases of Salmonella Enteritidis acquired in the EU have increased in humans by 3 percent since 2014.
This week, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) blog post authored by Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced a list of goals the agency plans to tackle in 2018.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) Food Safety Modernization Act gives the agency the right to deny U.S. entry of imported foods from those establishments who do not grant FDA access to observe their facilities.
In this week’s episode of Food Safety Magazine’s Food Safety Matters Podcast, we chat with Will Daniels, president of the produce division at IEH Laboratories and Consulting Group. In this role, Will is responsible for lab and consulting services for the produce industry.
IFSAC’s paper, “An Updated Scheme for Categorizing Foods Implicated in Foodborne Disease Outbreaks: A Tri-Agency Collaboration, serves as an update to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s previous food categories.
In an interview, Stephen Hughes, the PSN’s Team Lead from CFSAN and Brittany Laymon, one of two Branch Chiefs leading the investigators from ORA, discuss the PSN’s goals, the work their teams are doing, and how this team allows for better coordination within FDA as its experts work with farmers, state partners and other key stakeholders to support implementation of the Produce Safety Rule.