As college and university students head back to school, those with special dietary needs are gaining new options as schools nationwide are making a concerted effort to certify their food service staff in the area of allergy training.

MenuTrinfo®, a Ft. Collins, CO-based company dedicated to helping food service businesses protect their customers' lives and health, is working with higher learning institutions through its AllerTrain U™ certification and training course to better accommodate students with food allergies and celiac disease. The training is designed to provide a clear understanding of food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities to food service staff, with additional best practices for food allergen and gluten-free food service management.

To date, MenuTrinfo has provided training to foodservice staff at Dartmouth College, Stanford University, Syracuse University, Notre Dame, University of Southern California, Providence College, University of Virginia, Kansas University and Colorado State University, among many other regional and national schools.

"This training helps to ensure the health and safety of incoming college freshmen and other university students who have special dietary needs due to allergy intolerances," said Betsy Craig, MenuTrinfo founder and CEO. "Colleges and universities that make this commitment have come to realize the importance of this training and certification. Not only does it better serve students, it also gives parents peace of mind, because they know these schools are looking out for their children."

AllerTrain U is also part of a comprehensive program delivered by Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), a nonprofit advocacy and education organization, through the FARE College Food Allergy Program. The program, launched early this year, is designed to improve the safety and quality of life for college students with food allergies.

"The importance of developing and implementing a food allergen management plan in food service facilities at colleges and universities cannot be understated. We are proud to partner with MenuTrinfo and together tackle this issue through the newly launched FARE College Food Allergy Program,” said Michael Spigler, vice president of education at FARE. "The dramatic rise in the number of children with food allergies in the U.S. illustrates the need for widespread adoption of college food allergy management policies as these children grow to college age."

AllerTrain U certification courses are offered year-round. For more information or to schedule a class, go to or call (888) 767-MENU (6368).