Source: FDA
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is partnering with the American Chemical Society (ACS) to provide a series of biannual training sessions focusing on chemical science related to food safety. These half-day training sessions are a continuing education opportunity for the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) employees. The colloquia are open to the public and offer participants a venue to interact with leading technical experts in chemistry. The colloquia are not intended as a forum to discuss regulatory issues or to make recommendations to the agency.
The colloquia sessions will focus on aspects of chemistry, including the area of flavor modifiers, manufacturing processes, specifications, and analytical methods.
The first colloquium titled “Frontiers in Flavor Chemistry,” will be on Tuesday, June 4 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the FDA’s Harvey Wiley Building auditorium in College Park, MD. Topics covered will include taste perception in humans and its impact on nutrient intake; recent advances in food flavors; and the discovery of new flavors.
Only registered participants will be allowed to attend the meeting, and there will be no onsite registration. There is no cost to attend in person or through webcast, but space is limited. Please visit the ACS event registration site for additional information on the colloquia and registration.