The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) recently evaluated the norovirus knowledge of kitchen staff across Denmark. The evaluation was conducted following a campaign by the agency to educate Danish restaurant workers on norovirus and its control measures. DVFA found that many kitchen staff were insufficiently informed on norovirus or how to control its spread.

DVFA visited over 1,000 food businesses and found 39 violations that were most often related to handwashing or bathroom activity. The agency focused on restaurants, catering businesses, bakers, butchers, and other similar establishments. 

DFVA also recently found that almost 25 percent of Danish food companies do not have procedures for employees to stay home from work for the recommended 48 hours after symptoms of norovirus infection end. While over one third of businesses held regular training courses, a survey found that 15 percent of kitchen staff did not know the routes of norovirus spread, and one third of staff were unaware of the risk of infection from other people. 

Compared to previous years, more Danish food establishments were found to be compliant with DVFA’s guidance that workers stay home for 48 hours after symptoms of norovirus infection end, but staff knowledge about norovirus had decreased. The agency notes that there is room for improvement in Danish food business’ illness policies and personal hygiene training.