On October 10–12, 2023, Penn State University will offer a course, titled, “Food Safety and Sanitation for Food Manufacturers” designed for those who are developing in-house food safety programs.
Penn State University, Meru University of Science and Technology, and Meru County in Kenya have entered a partnership to advance food safety in Kenya through research.
Researchers at Penn State University (PSU) have developed and piloted a food safety training program for farmers market vendors, in response to a need revealed by previous studies.
Penn State University researchers are exploring the efficacy of natural biochar to absorb pharmaceutical contaminants from wastewater to prevent the chemicals’ entry into soil and subsequent uptake by food crops.
A study conducted by Penn State University researchers has shown pulsed light technology to be an effective method for inactivating microbial contaminants in food applications.
Penn State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences recently secured a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to study how microorganisms brought into food processing facilities by fruit protect Listeria monocytogenes within biofilms.