A 'fine' job: Foreign-material contamination can have a devastating effect on meat and poultry merchandising, but newer and more sophisticated technologies are enhancing food safety.
The video features Texas Tech Assistant Professor Jerrad Legako, Ph.D. who explains how to identify spoilage, the role of package dates and what those dates mean.
When it comes to grapes, the challenge is that they begin to deteriorate as soon as they are picked. So extending grape shelf life is critical to helping grocery stores save money and to also address the food waste issue.
New packaging materials and technologies are available to keep snack and bakery products fresh over the course of their expected shelf life, and to actually extend that shelf life. These innovations include modified-atmosphere packaging (MAP) solutions and active packaging, often in combination with the latest packaging material technology.
Several chains have displayed international influence with the presence of not only brick-and-mortar stores in several nations, but also through international marketing efforts.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) continues to be an important topic of conversation for U.S. companies. Since its inception, the GDPR has raised a number of questions as to whether businesses are properly prepared to comply.
New food preservation and processing technologies enable greater shelf stability without sacrificing taste or nutrition.
May 1, 2018
A new trends report on ready-to-eat foods highlights the innovative microwave-assisted thermal sterilization (MATS) technology as a solution for meeting global demand for convenient and healthy foods.
More companies across the food industry have been transitioning to software systems versus paper to manage sanitation scheduling, processes and documentation. This allows them to integrate with sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOPs) and also help improve food safety. They can also help better coordinate regular facility maintenance tasks.