Randox scientists have revealed a revolutionary new method for bovine disease testing which will radicalize cattle screening against some of the world’s most prevalent bovine viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
Alchemy Playbook helps manufacturers avoid production loss in the event of employee absence, by ensuring any gap in the production line is filled quickly by giving an instant review of every worker qualified to perform a task and then reallocating them as needed.
Crystal Diagnostics (CDx) has announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued the company a second patent related to proprietary liquid crystal technology for rapid and accurate detection of foodborne pathogens.
Birko's new patent covers the design, process, and manufacturing of a multi-angle wash system for cleaning carcasses, comprising of a multi-angle fluid distribution unit, a rotating unit, and a guiding unit operably coupled to the spray unit or the multi-angle fluid distribution unit.
The company has developed a diverse selection of quality assurance equipment with instrumentation for air and gas analysis, water quality measurement, temperature, data logging, harvesting, and more.
This turnkey solution helps manufacturers build a cohesive culture that is designed to protect the environment, meet regulatory requirements, and increase production efficiency and profit.