Describing the U.S. food safety system as “hopelessly fragmented and outdated,” a congresswoman is pushing for the creation of a single federal agency to secure the nation’s food supply.
On Friday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a statement regarding its current, science-based stance on the use of cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds, including cannabidiol (CBD), in various products including food.
Fresh Express—a subsidiary of Chiquita Brands—has released an interim report and fact sheet explaining a Cyclospora outbreak that was linked to their packaged leafy greens.
There are no genetically modified wheat varieties for sale or in commercial production in the U.S. at this time, as APHIS has not deregulated any GM wheat varieties.
Food Safety Magazine has recently announced that Theodora Morille-Hinds, M.Sc., will receive the magazine’s Distinguished Service Award at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP), July 21–24, in Louisville, KY.
The colloquia sessions will focus on aspects of chemistry, including the area of flavor modifiers, manufacturing processes, specifications, and analytical methods.