Eagle Product Inspection recently unveiled its redesigned Pipeline X-Ray System for pumped products, offering improved machine construction and built-in inspection technologies.
A research project funded by the Center for Produce Safety is developing a flexible computer model that enables food industry users to evaluate potential contamination risks along the supply chain and relevant control strategies.
Acidification can inactivate Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 (HPAI H5N1), a.k.a. “bird flu,” in milk, according to a UC Davis study. The finding is especially relevant to farmers, who often do not pasteurize waste milk.
Biocidal chemicals and other physical/chemical techniques may be used together, in a strategic manner, to achieve an overall improvement in plant hygiene
Part 2 of this series examines a number of other interventions for food plant decontamination including light-based and reactive oxygen-based technologies, as well as peroxide, chlorine dioxide, ozone, and electrolyzed oxidizing water.
Based on a recent analysis, WaterMagage4You is a free, online tool developed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to help industry predict and mitigate microbial contamination risks in process water for fresh, fresh-cut, and frozen produce. EFSA also published recommendations for fit-for-purpose process water management.
Following the deaths of pet cats who ate raw food contaminated with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1, raw pet food manufacturers must now consider the virus as a hazard in their food safety plans, under FDA’s FSMA Preventive Controls for Animal Food rule.
The use of hydroxyl radical air cleaners is a unique and valuable addition to the food industry's methods of minimizing pathogens in air and on surfaces
Hydroxyl radicals offer an effective, safe, and scalable approach to food plant hygiene and food safety. This outcome can be achieved by devices that use ultraviolet (UV) energy to generate hydroxyls from water vapor, turning the ambient air into a mechanism for cleaning.
Development of a new microbiological risk assessment model, led by researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, could help the produce industry determine the best risk management strategies for a diverse range of production scenarios.
Loma Systems recently unveiled its new X5 Pack Curtainless X-ray System, designed to eliminate traditional X-ray curtains and allow for the inspection of food without contact, ideal for lightweight or unpackaged foods.
Mettler-Toledo recently announced its new X6 series of X-ray inspection systems for medium to large-sized packaged products in single and multiple lane applications.