The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) recently published a webpage to guide businesses on the authorization process for cell-cultivated food products in England and Wales.
There is national interest in protecting public health by reducing foodborne illness from Salmonella in poultry. The University of Maryland, in partnership with IAFNS and Structured Partnerships, have been collaborating with USDA-FSIS through a Cooperative Agreement to support data sharing with the aim of reducing Salmonella illnesses in humans.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has updated its Leafy Green STEC Action Plan (LGAP), which outlines the agency’s efforts to reduce foodborne illness outbreaks linked to leafy greens that were caused by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC).
A bill was recently introduced to the Florida legislature that would ban cultivated meat products (also known as “lab-grown meat,” “cell-based meat,” or “cultured meat” products) in the state.
The Real Marketing Edible Artificials Truthfully Act (Real MEAT Act) has been reintroduced to the U.S. Senate, and it would clarify the definition of beef and pork for labeling purposes by requiring alternative proteins to clearly display the word “imitation” on their packaging.
A new software platform by Ancera offers a “BioBarrier” against Salmonella through surveillance systems and big data analytics for improved poultry productivity, enabling compliance with tightening U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently assessed the food safety of eight smoke flavorings on the EU market, the authorization for which were due for renewal, and were unable to rule out concerns of genotoxicity.
In this episode of Food Safety Matters, we are joined by Dr. Kathy Knutson, an author, food safety consultant, and educator for the cannabisindustry. She discusses packaging, good manufacturing practices, training, and other considerations for ensuring the safety of cannabis-infused edibles and beverages, as well as the complicated patchwork of state regulations for cannabisand the potential for future federal regulation. We also hear from Dr. Hal King, the Editor of Food Safety Leadership in the Business of Food Safety, a new digital book published by Food Safety Magazine that serves as a resource for the retail foodservice industry. The book defines and models food safety business leadership from the perspective of top food safety business leaders at best-in-class retail foodservice operations.