This article will lend context to ensuring that the right food safety behaviors and practices are properly transferred from "those who know" to "those who need to know." The suggestions and tenets shared in this article are founded on proven scientific principles and actions, and on instincts honed by long-term experience in the food business. The authors will share best practices to increase an organization's effectiveness at planning for, and executing, the transfer of experience and skills from one generation to the next.
This article explores the total cost of ownership and the many categories of expenses involved in operating, maintaining, and cleaning equipment, as well as the different criteria to consider during the design phase.
This article examines and unpacks the evolving demands for traceability across various dimensions, such as supply chain visibility, transparency, trust, and sustainability. It investigates the growing importance of services related to the traceability of food production, harvesting, processing, and distribution, as well as verifiable credentials for product and process claims.
In November 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released its Final Food Traceability Rule—a new rule that will have wide-reaching impact on food companies. This issue features Part 2 of the results of our survey of food processors' thoughts on this new rule and their plans for compliance.
Shellfish are filter feeders, and may concentrate microorganisms (bacteria and viruses), as well as natural toxins and chemicals if they are present in the growing waters. The current National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP) dictates uniform requirements that every state must meet, with federal oversight provided by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). States are required by the NSSP to maintain minimum sanitation standards addressing issues such as water quality monitoring, harvest area enforcement, training of harvesters and dealers, processing, shipping, and handling.
With security threats against the sector increasing and cyber threats against the global supply system also on the rise, it is imperative that a food and agriculture ISAC be formed. It does not have to be fully capable at the start; just a few large companies that agree to pool and analyze threat information can plant the initial seed. If successful awareness and deterrence can be demonstrated, then other companies will join. At full capability, the ISAC can serve as a watch and warning center for the sector, providing timely threat analysis for members at all levels. In this article, the authors look at what it takes to create and run a successful ISAC.
The 2022 Recall Integration Partnership Project expanded upon critical state and federal partnerships to improve response capabilities during recall events
Amid the pandemic in 2020, federal and state recall coordinators and their leadership teams took a closer look at the existing regulatory recall response efforts in the state of Georgia, and where collaboration exists between the two agencies. After creating a pilot template project in 2021, the recall shadowing concept was expanded to a larger network. Feedback from 12 additional agencies in 2022 strengthened the project to enhance partner integration efforts, with the ultimate goal to better protect public health during recall events.
A survey was sent to food industry trade association members representing food companies to determine what is known about food safety culture, food safety management systems, and active managerial control. The survey also asked about the implementation of such practices in support of a culture of food safety. The survey results indicate that many companies are well aware of these food safety concepts; however, many respondents are unsure whether their company is operating with true active managerial control. Opportunities were uncovered to inform and encourage engagement in active managerial control to a greater degree.
The Alliance to Stop Foodborne Illness and FDA are co-hosting a highly anticipated food safety culture webinar live from the Food Safety Summit on Thursday, May 11. During the live session, academic, regulatory, and industry professionals will discuss how they assess food safety culture and its impact.
The 2023 Food Safety Summit's kick-off workshop will demystify the root-cause analysis process by breaking it down into easy-to-understand steps, shed light on the regulatory expectations for the investigative process, examine the due diligence needed for investigations, and provide insight on best practices for successful implementation used within industry.