Sampling is part of a process that has two functions. It can be used to sample a process during operations or to sample the output of a process, such as a product lot. During sampling, the measurand (the object being measured) must be properly selected, properly transported to a location where the object or objects will be analyzed, and the results must be reported to the appropriate individuals. This article covers the systematic development of a sampling plan.
A risk-based approach is rapidly being incorporated into food safety systems. This can be attributed to the efforts of regulatory agencies and non-governmental organizations to develop requirements for food businesses. This article examines these food safety systems from a systematic, risk-based approach to allow the food safety practitioner to develop and improve food safety.
The Codex Committee on Hygiene is in the process of revising the general principles of Hygiene (Codex, 2020). This document was first published in 1969. Codex has published the body of the text and most of the diagrams; however, the Decision Tree is still under review by the Codex Committee.