With undeclared allergens as the leading cause of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) food recalls (43.5 percent in 2022), food manufacturers must have a solid program in place for allergen control and prevention of cross-contact in processing facilities. Manufacturers must also be vigilant about packaging and labeling, as FDA recall data has shown that the majority (71.1 percent in 2013–2019) of food allergen recalls are caused by preventable labeling errors.
In the first of our two-part webinar series on allergen control, this presentation will draw on the expertise of FDA, industry, and the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program (FARRP) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln to educate food manufacturers on the regulatory aspects of allergen control, including labeling and recall issues. The speakers will also guide attendees on the implementation of allergen control programs and best practices to mitigate unintended allergen presence through cross-contact, mispackaging, or mislabeling. Additionally, they will discuss how to verify and validate cleaning programs for allergen control and how to employ detection methods for unintended presence of allergens.
From this webinar, attendees will learn:
- The problems posed by allergen recalls and mispackaging/mislabeling
- How to implement a program to control allergens in food processing facilities and prevent allergen cross-contact
- How to ensure cleaning verification and validation for allergens and employ allergen detection methods
Click here to register for the second webinar in our series on Allergen Control in Retail Foodservice.

Moderator: Adrienne Blume, Editorial Director, Food Safety Magazine