Recent, high-profile recall events and foodborne illness outbreaks speak to the need for reinforcement of several fundamental principles and activities of food safety programs. The importance of validation and verification cannot be understated in sanitation for food processing. During this webinar, a panel of industry and consulting experts with backgrounds in aseptic and dairy processing, recall/failure prevention, clean-in-place/clean-out-of-place (CIP/COP) and manual cleaning, sanitation, operations, and management will review critical aspects of validation and verification procedures for sanitation methods, tools, and effectiveness. The panelists will also discuss the real-world challenges to effective cleaning that can lead to operational failures and potential recalls. Finally, they will review the need for re-validation in light of changes to process, ingredients, or equipment, as well as the advantages of periodic re-validation to ensure food safety.
From this webinar, attendees will learn:
- Why validation and verification are essential components of food safety and sanitation programs, and how these objectives should be achieved
- Why, when, and how to re-validate your sanitation program
- How to avoid costly recalls and foodborne illness outbreaks from sanitation failures

Moderator: Adrienne Blume, Editorial Director, Food Safety Magazine
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