Eight global companies and organizations representing more than 15 percent of global broiler production have adopted the International Poultry Council (IPC)’s antimicrobial use stewardship principles.
Kansas State University and Cargill have joined forces to identify an effective pre-harvest, pre-grind sampling strategy for predicting Salmonella contamination in turkey flocks that are raised for ground meat.
The survey also found that nearly 80% believed food producers are taking the necessary steps to ensure their meat is safe for grilling, while 87% believed an animal’s diet can have an impact on food safety.
May 25, 2018
Ninety-four percent of Americans say they trust their food is safe yes, according to a survey released by Cargill, Wichita, Kan.
During the first three months, the pilot tested and developed methodology for tracking eligible cattle through audited live animal supply chains.
March 15, 2018
The first three months of Cargill’s Canadian beef sustainability pilot project yielded encouraging results, proving the model works and demonstrating significant potential to scale the program.
Through the touch of a smart tablet or a computer keystroke, dairy consultants work with farmers to track key information, including milk productivity, animal health and comfort and feed formulation.
March 5, 2018
Cargill, Minneapolis, developed Dairy Enteligen, a new digital platform that unleashes the power of data and insights to help farmers improve their operations.
Cainthus uses breakthrough predictive imaging to monitor the health and wellbeing of livestock.
February 2, 2018
Cargill, Minneapolis, and Cainthus, a Dublin-based machine vision company, are reshaping how animal producers make decisions for their livestock through a strategic partnership that will bring facial recognition technology to dairy farms across the world.