bioMérieux recently launched GENE-UP® TYPER for use on its GENE-UP® system.

GENE-UP TYPER is a real-time, cutting-edge polymerase chain reaction (PCR) solution for rapid pathogen detection that supports root cause analysis in the food industry. GENE-UP TYPER LMO for Listeria monocytogenes is now available worldwide for food manufacturers.

GENE-UP TYPER enables rapid strain characterization of microorganisms. The easy-to-use, automated food pathogen detection solution helps speed up the decision-making process by providing faster insights on strain identity.

After a pathogen is detected during routine testing and strains are isolated in a sample, DNA is extracted and amplified with the GENE-UP TYPER-specific assay. The analytical result generated by the GENE-UP instrument is then transferred to the AUGMENTED-DX web application. Powered by a machine learning engine, combining cutting-edge algorithms with years of expertise within a comprehensive genomic database, GENE-UP TYPER defines a unique address identifying the strain, and groups identical strains into clusters. The web application then progressively builds a history of the strain clusters present in the factory, allowing traceback to the source of contamination for improved control of the production process.

The patented solution was developed through years of research, with contributions from Mérieux NutriSciences. Mérieux NutriSciences will retain co-exclusive rights to perform testing in key geographies for the outsourced testing services channel, ensuring the solution is available to all food and beverage processors, whether they operate an internal laboratory or outsource pathogen testing.
