The new GENE-UP® TYPER solution from bioMérieux combines a PCR pathogen detection assay with a machine learning-based web application, facilitating root cause analysis of contamination incidents in the food industry.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently launched a new toolkit for identifying the root causes of foodborne illness outbreaks on its Restaurant Food Safety webpage.
At the 2023 Food Safety Summit, a dynamic workshop brought together leading experts to introduce the concepts, methods, and different tools of root cause analysis (RCA). Participants learned how to dig into systems and find meaningful data to identify the root causes of issues develop impactful solutions that prevent problems from recurring. An RCA session at the 2024 Summit will further explore these concepts.
This article discusses applied RCA and the Food Safety Summit associated education offered on this topic.
The 2023 Food Safety Summit's kick-off workshop will demystify the root-cause analysis process by breaking it down into easy-to-understand steps, shed light on the regulatory expectations for the investigative process, examine the due diligence needed for investigations, and provide insight on best practices for successful implementation used within industry.