Xibus Systems Inc. has announced the development of XiSafeä, a solution for the rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria in food and beverages. Xibus is creating its new technology in light of the costliness of pathogen testing, as well as the food waste and fatalities caused by microbial contaminants. At present, Xibus is seeking interested customers for a demonstration of XiSafeä.

According to Xibus, current food bacterial testing—including modern, “rapid” methods—still involve a relatively slow process, requiring a day or more to produce results. However, XiSafeä will feature a much faster pathogen testing process through the integration of molecular engineering, nanotechnology, and AI, with test times ranging from 8–12 hours depending on the organism and food matrix. Additionally, XiSafeä is a total system, designed for high-throughput testing conducted by food and beverage producers, processors, and users.

To develop XiSafeä, Xibus exclusively licensed core biomolecule technology, which entails molecules that are engineered to target and attach to a specific bacteria. Xibus scientists conjugate the molecules to its proprietary, super-fluorescent nanobeads to create a powerful, foundational reagent for bacteria detection.

According to Xibus, the XiSafeä test is as powerful as PCR testing methods but is more useful for industrial testing, as it ensures high accuracy by utilizing sample sizes that are 1,000 times larger than the microliter limits imposed by PCR testing. Given that XiSafeä tags specific organisms with powerful fluorescent labels, and uses AI analytics to identify the target from background bacteria and food materials, customers are able to leverage the power of PCR with none of the limitations.

Xibus Systems Inc.: xibus.systems