Share-ify’s tenth version features the new Ver-ify™ platform to assist quality control (QC), sales, and purchasing teams with easier methods to evaluate the quality of product being received from suppliers.

Ver-ify™ assists companies with product inspections at receiving and shipping. Whether finished goods inspections or materials inspections, Ver-ify™ helps QC associates quickly evaluate products for compliance. Share-ify’s Ver-ify™ can be used to evaluate any product, including categories subject to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grading standards layered with a customer product specification such as fresh produce, meats, poultry, and seafood.

The Ver-ify™ product inspections platform offers a mobile application integrated to the Share-ify platform which enables companies to more easily and readily evaluate products for adherence to company specifications and commodity grade. Subscribers can share the information with trading partners to improve transparency and communication. In addition, Share-ify produces scorecards for evaluation of product performance over time by location, by vendor, by product, or by inspector.

Ver-ify™ includes specific features for fresh and frozen food inspections. Integration of product specifications enables quality control inspectors to evaluate up to 200 different attributes upon receiving. QC inspectors may access reference material including product specifications, USDA documents, inspection instructions, and visual aids to assist evaluation of product. Whether needing access to the grade standard, inspection instructions, or visual aids, Share-ify’s Ver-ify product inspections platform provides easy access to these documents on the mobile application.

Share-ify is a cloud-based network designed to help food businesses better integrate with trading partners and increase functionality within operations and QA departments.
