IFS Food Standard version 8 has successfully achieved recognition against Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Benchmarking Requirements v2020.

For IFS Food Standard version 8, the recognition encompasses GFSI scopes:

  • BIII–Pre-process Handling of Plant Products
  • CO–Animal Primary Conversion
  • CI–Processing of Perishable Animal Products
  • CII–Processing of Perishable Plant Products
  • CIII–Processing of Perishable Animal and Plant Products (Mixed Products)
  • CIV–Processing of Ambient Stable Animal and Plant Products (Mixed Products)
  • K–Production of (Bio) Chemicals and Bio-cultures Used as Food Ingredients or Processing Aids in Food Production.

Recognition was granted on September 12, 2024; any certificates issued against this standard prior to this date are not considered to be GFSI-recognized.