Filling a critical knowledge gap in light of recent outbreaks and recalls associated with low-moisture foods, a study led by National University of Singapore researchers has characterized dry surface Salmonella biofilms and developed a fit-for-purpose, antibiofilm, waterless sanitization protocol for the low-moisture food industry.
Researchers are pointing to the food safety and public health threat of microplastics in wastewater, which can serve as a vehicle for pathogenic biofilm communities and antibiotics, introducing these hazards to the environment and crops, and even contributing to antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
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A recent study conducted by scientists from the Quadram Institute and the UK Health Security Agency has revealed that, despite cleaning, Listeria monocytogenes are able to persist in ready-to-eat (RTE) food production environments, supported by diverse bacterial populations that also remain stable over time.
Understanding the structure and function of biofilms is essential for developing effective strategies to control microbial biofilm formation, mitigate biofilm-related risks, and harness the beneficial properties of biofilms for various applications.
A recent study has demonstrated the protection that multispecies biofilms provide to Listeria monocytogenes against sanitizers, and could help inform more effective sanitation procedures in food processing environments.
A recent study reviewed the efficacy of environmentally friendly pathogen inactivation methods against Listeria monocytogenes biofilms in food production environments, specifically, electrolyzed water, plasma-activated water, ozone, and enzymes.
A recent study has demonstrated the extent to which defects on food contact surfaces in tree fruit packinghouses lowers the efficacy of sanitizers against Listeria monocytogenes biofilms.
Scientists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (USDA’s ARS) have provided new insight into the ability of Salmonella to survive and adapt in food processing facilities through interactions with environmental biofilms.
With each passing year, new and emerging technologies and techniques that have promise for advancing food safety are developed and validated. This article summarizes the top food safety innovations of 2023, based on audience interest.