In a dynamic shipping environment, the need to anticipate and reduce food safety risks across the supply chain requires innovation, strategic leadership, and strong partnerships between food and transportation companies. This article will provide a brief history of food safety in transportation, a review of current trends, and insights into strategies and cultural expectations to prevent and control food safety risks in transportation.
A recent study suggests that the cold foods supply chain is the optimal environment for the COVID-19 virus to spread over long distances. The study explores various prevention and testing methods that could be used to mitigate the pathogen’s spread through cold-chain foods.
Building on a foothold in batch guacamole processing, high pressure processing moves into bulk and grows in markets that require fresh taste with no preservatives and a long shelf life.
When Ethernet is the preferred technology for IoT connectivity, customers now have that option with the new Traceable Data Logging Ethernet Thermometers Compatible with TraceableLive Cloud-Based Service.
Many foodborne illnesses occur because a link in the cold food chain was weak or broken, with temperature inconsistencies that allowed pathogens to begin growing.