Classical approaches to environmental monitoring through "seek-and-destroy," while useful, can be enhanced with source tracking approaches applied in food production facilities. Such approaches have great potential to enhance food safety. However, these methods will look different when applied by academia and government, in contrast to the approaches recommended for industry.
Ensuring the safety of your food products starts with maintaining a food-safe environment. Environmental monitoring programs (EMPs) are essential systems for sanitation management and regulatory compliance in every food processing facility, regardless of size or product types.
Environmental monitoring programs (EMPs) are not just static documents, but living systems that require active, weekly management. It is crucial to ensure that your EMP is not just in place, but also effective. This article discusses three key challenges for evaluating an EMP.
Implementing an effective Listeria environmental monitoring program enables knowledge of where Listeria can enter, harbor, and move through a facility, which is the first step toward keeping the pathogen on the run and not allowing it to impact production surfaces or finished product.
Many methods are available for verifying the viability of a sanitation program, and most facilities use a combination of different methods to ensure that the sanitation program is performing as expected. Pathogen environmental monitoring (PEM) programs are a key prerequisite program to a sanitation program and to any facility's overall food safety program. There is no one-size-fits-all PEM program for facilities; rather, a PEM program is based on a facility's risk factors and what product(s) the facility manufactures.