Stephanie Nguyen, M.Sc., a microbiologist and process authority, and Jessica Badour, a research outreach specialist, have joined the Food Safety Magazine Editorial Advisory Board.
Food Safety Magazine has recently announced that Frank Busta, Ph.D., will receive the magazine’s Distinguished Service Award at the 2021 Food Safety Summit, May 11–13.
The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control and the European Food Safety Authority recently released a report that showed that a large amount of Salmonella and Campylobacter bacteria is still resistant to antibiotics used for humans and animals.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced a new action plan that aims to reduce exposure to toxic elements in foods commonly eaten by babies and young children, to the lowest possible levels.
Insights from members of the Food Safety Summit's Educational Advisory Board, about the impact of the pandemic on the food safety industry, the importance of the Summit, and what innovations will be shared at the upcoming event taking place online May 11–13, 2021, are presented.
This month, World Health Organization (WHO) experts from its Technical Advisory Group will meet, for the second time, to work on the WHO's global strategy for food safety.
The Food Standards Agency recently asked consulting and technology services provider ICF to take a look at food firms and local authority experiences of using remote assessment in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic.