BNP Media, one of the country's leading business-to-business media companies, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Food Safety Magazine, the leading content provider of science-based solutions for food safety and quality assurance professionals worldwide. The magazine will join BNP Media's food, beverage, and packaging group that includes the Food Safety Summit.
The assessment found that most food crime relates to two broad activities—either selling something of little or no value to the food chain as edible and marketable, or selling passable food, drink, or feed as a product with greater volume or more desirable attributes.
Russ was a leading researcher, author, and speaker in food microbiology, with particular interest in the development and validation of rapid analytical methods and laboratory performance.
The third iteration of FSIS’ meal preparation observational studies examined participants’ use of a food thermometer to check the doneness of raw stuffed chicken breasts prepared from frozen and also examined the effectiveness of a related educational intervention about the importance of using a food thermometer to check the doneness of NRTE frozen foods.
The first iteration of FSIS’ web-based survey of U.S. adults collected information on a variety of topics, including consumer use and satisfaction with the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline, awareness of and response to food recalls, awareness of and understanding of foodborne illness outbreaks, and food safety behaviors related to grilling and serving food buffet style.
The Roadmap to Reducing Salmonella: Driving Change through Science-Based Policy outlines programs and policies that are science-based, data-driven, and promote innovation to reduce Salmonella in meat, poultry, and egg products.
Foods that would be subject to the proposed requirements include leafy greens, fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, some types of fish, shell eggs, nut butters, and more.